
  • Implemented Manual Control
  • Replaced distance sensors with Lidar data line plots saving
  • Reworked Safety Module based on the lidar data
  • developed LLM hard-coded pipeline
  • Will test the pipeline with LLM once the prompt design is finished


  • VWSetSpeed has deviations in time
    • May be due to the time taken to set the speed
      • Try turning 180 degrees - with 60 degree/s, 3 seconds, only approximately 120 degrees turned
  • Graph for RAG
    • Human psychology seems a good idea to prompt LLM
      • how to collect data
        • from camera image / bird view screenshots, then feed into LLM to get a description of the scene and store into the database
    • How to construct the graph
      • we have spatial / temporal relationships, but can be inferred from csv data already.
      • ontology?