Integrating Large Language Models for General-Purpose Robots


Significance of AI in Robotics:

  • AI advancements drive the rise of general-purpose robots as it enables robots to perform diverse tasks with increased efficiency and adaptability.

Examples of AI-Powered Robots:

  1. Autonomous Vehicles:
    • Example: Tesla’s self-driving cars
    • Application: Navigate roads, avoid obstacles, and respond to traffic signals autonomously.
    • AI Techniques: Deep Learning
    • Reference: Tesla Autopilot img
  2. Service Robots in Hospitality:
    • Example: SoftBank Robotics’ Pepper
    • Application: Used in hotels and restaurants to greet guests, provide information, take orders, and even entertain.
    • AI Techniques: Speech Recognition, Emotion Detection
    • Reference: Pepper Robot img
  3. Security Robots:
    • Example: Knightscope K5
    • Application: Patrol areas such as parking lots, corporate campuses, and malls to detect anomalies, provide surveillance, and deter crime.
    • AI Techniques: Anomaly Detection
    • Reference: Knightscope K5 img


3 phases in autonomous robotic systems:

graph LR;
    B[Perception] --> C[Planning]
    C --> D[Control]








Challenges with Traditional AI in Robotic systems:

  • Rule-based approach, optimisation algorithms, deep learning models
    • hard to deal with unpredictable, real-world environments.
    • hard to effectively generalize real-world tasks.

Leveraging Large Language Models: GPT, LLAMA, Gemini…

graph LR;


    A --> B[Pre-trained Foundation models]
    A --> C[Accept Natural Language Instructions]
    A --> D[Process Multi-Modal Sensory Data]

    B --> B1([large-scale training])
    B --> B2([extensive datasets])
    B1 --> B3([generalize knowledge])
    B2 --> B3([generalize knowledge])

    C --> C1([understand natural language commands])
    C --> C2([respond in natural language])
    C1 --> C4([user interaction])
    C2 --> C4([user interaction])

    D --> D1([interpret sensory data])
    D --> D3([generate control signals with justification])
    D1 --> D4([explainability])
    D3 --> D4([explainability])

Research Questions

  • integrating LLM Robot - perception, planning, control:
    • How can LLMs be effectively integrated into general-purpose robotic systems to improve the interpretation of natural language instructions and multi-modal sensory data for enhanced task planning and action generation?
  • improving LLM performance - response generation with domain specific knowledge:
    • What are the optimal strategies that allows LLMs to access and utilize domain-specific knowledge in real-time to improve the performance and adaptability of general-purpose robots?
  • mitigating LLM hallucinations - error handling / mitigation:
    • How can we minimise the risks of inaccurate or false information generated by LLMs, such as mismatches between robots’ actions and LLM-generated explanations, to enhance transparency and trust in human-robot interactions?

Before LLM Emergence

graph LR;

    B[Perception] --> B1[Scene Understanding]
    B1 --> B1a[Object Detection]
    B1 --> B1b[Semantic Segmentation]
    B1 --> B1c[Scene Reconstruction]

    B --> B2[State Estimation and SLAM]
    B2 --> B2a[Pose Estimation]
    B2 --> B2b[Mapping with Sensors]

    B --> B3[Learning-Based Methods]
    B3 --> B3a[Supervised Techniques]
    B3 --> B3c[Self-Supervised Techniques]

    C[Planning] --> C1[Search-Based Planning]
    C1 --> C1a[Heuristics for Pathfinding]
    C1 --> C1b[Graphs for Pathfinding in Discrete Spaces]

    C --> C2[Sampling-Based Planning]
    C2 --> C2a[Random Sampling in Configuration Spaces]
    C2 --> C2b[Path Connections]

    C --> C3[Task Planning]
    C3 --> C3a[Object-Level Abstractions]
    C3 --> C3b[Symbolic Reasoning in Discrete Domains]

    C --> C4[Reinforcement Learning]
    C4 --> C4a[End-to-End Formulations]

    D[Control] --> D1[PID Control Loops]
    D1 --> D1a[Fundamental Method for Operational State Maintenance]

    D --> D2["Model Predictive Control (MPC)"]
    D2 --> D2a[Optimization-Based Action Sequence Generation]
    D2 --> D2b[Application in Dynamic Environments]

    D --> D3[Imitation Learning]
    D3 --> D3a[Mimicking Expert Demonstrations]
    D3 --> D3b[Application in Urban Driving]

    D --> D4[Reinforcement Learning]
    D4 --> D4a[Optimizes Control Policies through Accumulated Rewards]
    D4 --> D4b[Direct Action Generation from Sensory Data]

LLM-powered Robotics

  • Perception
    • receive sensory data and interpret it in natural language.
  • Planning
    • generate task plans based on
      • natural language instructions and
      • perception result.
  • Control
    • generate actions based on the planning result.
    • explain the actions taken in natural language.
      • reference for the next action generation.

Current Work

LLM for mobile robot navigations using Eyesim
