Notes for paper “The Development of LLMs for Embodied Navigation”.


  • Summarized the evolutionary trajectory of LLMs and their applications in embodied intelligence.

  • Presented a selection of currently popular benchmarks and conducted a comparative evaluation among them.

  • Provided a comparative analysis and introduction of commonly used datasets in LLMs for Embodied Intelligence.



  • Evolution of LLMs:
  • Represents a milestone in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning.
  • Examines early NLP and machine learning stages, including methods like Bag-of-Words (BoW).
  • Describes the limitations of simpler algorithms like N-grams and decision trees.

  • Word Embedding Models:
  • Introduces word embedding models, such as Word2Vec and GloVe, around 2013.
  • Highlights Word2Vec’s efficiency in capturing word relationships and GloVe’s optimization for large datasets.
  • Discusses the shift towards incorporating pre-trained word vectors into sequence models like RNNs and LSTMs.

  • Sequence Models and Transformers:
  • Describes challenges with RNNs and the emergence of specialized variants like LSTMs and GRUs.
  • Introduces the Transformer architecture in 2017, emphasizing its scalability and speed compared to RNNs.
  • Mentions subsequent models like Vision Transformer (ViT) and OpenAI’s CLIP, expanding Transformer’s use to visual processing tasks.

  • Large Language Models (LLMs):
  • Discusses BERT and GPT series, including their applications in text generation tasks.
  • Highlights “zero-shot learning” capabilities of GPT models and the need for fine-tuning in certain tasks.

Embodied Intelligence

  • Embodied Intelligence:
  • Defines Embodied Intelligence as the understanding and development of intelligent agents interacting with their environment.
  • Discusses leveraging NLP advancements for converting human instructions to formats interpretable by embodied agents.
  • Explores the merging of LLMs, like GPT-3, with Embodied Intelligence for enhanced context-awareness.

  • High-level and Low-level Controls:
  • Explains the importance of high-level and low-level controls in intelligent agent design.
  • Differentiates between high-level controls (task scheduling, strategy development) and low-level controls (direct command over operational functions).
  • Highlights applications of these controls in terrain recognition, machinery lifespan prediction, and gaze mechanisms emulation.

  • Integration of Controls:
  • Emphasizes the need for harmonious integration of high-level and low-level controls for developing robust and generalized intelligent agents.
  • Provides an example of the LM-Nav model, combining self-supervised robotic control, vision-language model, and a large language model for long-horizon planning.

  • Multi-Agent Systems:
  • Mentions research on multi-agent systems focusing on cooperation issues.
  • Acknowledges contributions to broadening tasks achievable by agents, enhancing work efficiency, and improving real-world applicability.

  • Challenges in Embodied Intelligence:
  • Discusses the challenge of designing agents capable of real-time learning and adaptation to their environment.
  • Highlights the importance of sensory-motor coordination and morphological computation in embodied cognition.
  • Describes the use of machine learning, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary algorithms for creating adaptive agents.


  • Grounded Language Understanding:
    • bridging high-level language and low-level actions: integrate with sensors, databases, or simulated environments to generate and interpret language applicable to real-world scenarios.
      • LLM-Grounder: 3D visual grounding (Yang et al.)
      • Carta et al. boost LLM using RL
      • challenges: the integration of text, images, and sensor data, latency reduction for real-time applications, and maintaining training efficiency without sacrificing performance.
  • Few-Shot Planning:
    • effective planning and decision-making in new tasks with minimal sample data.
      • ESC, LLM-Planner, CoT, LLM-DP: enabling embodied agents to execute complex tasks in visually rich environments
  • Zero-Shot Navigation:
    • Crucial Functions: Natural Language Understanding, Dynamic Planning, Multimodal Input, Real-time Interaction, Task Generalization
    • 2 categories:
      • Category 1: LLMs as Planners
        • LLMs directly make plans and decide what actions to take.
        • Exploration policies help guide the agents based on these plans.
      • llm-zero-shot-navi-2
      • Category 2: LLMs Analyzing Data
        • LLMs look at pictures or text to find important information.
        • This important info helps agents decide what actions to take using exploration policies.
        • llm-zero-shot-navi-3
    • Approaches:
      • CoW (CLIP on Wheels), ZSON,
      • LM-Nav, CLIP-NAV, SQA3D, L3MVN, VLMAP, OVRL, ESC, NavGPT, VELMA, A^2Nav, MiC, SayNav,
      • VoxPoser, ALFRED, PaLM-E, RT-2
      • llm-zero-shot-navi-1