AI that can produce high quality content, such as text, images, and audio. Link


Prompting an LLM in code


  1. For each of the two code cells below, click on the cell then hit Shift+Enter on your keyboard to run the code (or if on a mobile device, press ‘play’ button).
  2. Optionally edit the prompt, and try again!

Code cell 1: Set up programming environment to use code to send prompts to OpenAI’s cloud-hosted service.

import openai
import os

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

def llm_response(prompt):
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    return response.choices[0].message['content']

Code cell 2: Define a prompt that will classify the sentiment of a restaurant review.

prompt = '''
    Classify the following review 
    as having either a positive or
    negative sentiment:

    The banana pudding was really tasty!

response = llm_response(prompt)

output: Positive sentiment

Reputation monitoring system


  1. For each of the four code cells below, click on the cell then hit Shift+Enter on your keyboard to run the code (or if on a mobile device, press ‘play’ button).
  2. Optionally edit the reviews in Code cell 2, and try again (rerun the 2nd, 3rd and 4th code cells)!

Code cell 1: Set up programming environment to use code to send prompts to OpenAI’s cloud-hosted service.

import openai
import os 

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

def llm_response(prompt):
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    return response.choices[0].message['content']

Code cell 2: Create a list of reviews.

all_reviews = [
    'The mochi is excellent!',
    'Best soup dumplings I have ever eaten.',
    'Not worth the 3 month wait for a reservation.',
    'The colorful tablecloths made me smile!',
    'The pasta was cold.'


Code cell 3: Classify the reviews as positive or negative.

all_sentiments = []
for review in all_reviews:
    prompt = f'''
        Classify the following review 
        as having either a positive or
        negative sentiment. State your answer
        as a single word, either "positive" or

    response = llm_response(prompt)


Code cell 4: Count the number of positive and negative reviews

num_positive = 0
num_negative = 0
for sentiment in all_sentiments:
    if sentiment == 'positive':
        num_positive += 1
    elif sentiment == 'negative':
        num_negative += 1
print(f"There are {num_positive} positive and {num_negative} negative reviews.")



Improve performance

process - we repeatedly find and fix mistakes.

  • prompting
  • retrieval augmented generation (RAG)
    • give LLM access to external data sources
  • fine-tune models
    • adapt LLM to your task
  • pretrain models
    • train LLM from scratch

Cost intuition


Advanced Technologies: Beyond prompting

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

3 steps:

  1. Given question, search relevant documents for answer
  2. Incorporate retrieved text into an updated (augmented) prompt
  3. Generate answer from the new prompt with additional context

Big Idea: LLM as reasoning engine

  • by providing relevant context in the prompt, we ask an LLM to read a piece of text, then process it to get an answer

Fine tuning

to carry out a task that isn’t easy to define in a prompt

  • summarise in certain style or structure llm-tune-1

  • mimicking a writing or speaking style llm-tune-2

  • help LLM gain specific knowledge llm-tune-3

  • get a smaller model to perform a task

    • lower cost/latency to deploy
    • can run on mobile/laptop
    • can work well with 500-100 examples


For building a specific application:

  • option of last resort
  • could help if have a highly specialized domain

Choosing a model

  • Model size
    • 1B parameters: pattern matching and basic knowledge of the world
      • restaurant review sentiment
    • 10B parameters: greater world knowledge. Can follow basic instructions
      • food order chatbot
    • 100B+ parameters: rich world knowledge. Complex reasoning
      • brainstorming partner
  • Closed or open source
    • closed source models (cloud programming interface)
      • easy to use in applications
      • more large/powerful models
      • relatively inexpensive
      • some risk of vendor lock-in
    • open-source models
      • full control over model
      • can run on your own device
      • full control over data privacy/access

Instruction tuning and RLHF



Tool use and agents


