summarising UAV-related knowledge and AI-based UAV applications to get ideas for research topics.

UAV background

  • classification:
    • fixed-wing, single rotor, fixed-wing hybrid, multirotor
  • characteristics:
    • speed and flight time, payload, sensing equipment, software, range and altitude, controllers
  • applications:
    • search and rescue
    • infrastructure and construction inspection
    • emergency medical services
    • real-time monitoring of road traffic
    • precision agriculture
  • challenges:

    • Efficient target detection

    • unstable networks for swarm of drones

    • resource allocation/energy optimisation

    • limited transmission range

    • standardisation and operational regulations

    • security of sensitive data (pos, loc…)

  • AI research directions:
    • deep-learning-based novel strategies for UAVs, particularly for SAR mission



AI features

  • Detection - machine learning:
    • deep learning algorithms for target detection
  • Navigation - automatic planning:
    • optimal path planning in flight control system
    • autonomous obstacle avoidance
  • Communication - distributed AI:
    • coordinate intelligent behaviors among a group of autonomous mobile agents
    • multi-UAV cooperative formation (UAV swarm)



1. Image detection

Automated Wheat Disease Detection using a ROS-based Autonomous Guided UAV

  • image-based deep learning approach
    • object detection model: YOLO V4, EfficientDet, MobileNet V3, VGG 16, Inception, ResNet 50, and EfficientNet-B0.
    • CNN: weight-sharing ability
  • a custom dataset has been created and labeled
    • data augmentation techniques: increase the number of training data
  • efficient mapping and navigation system is presented using a Gazebo simulation
    • SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping):
      • map: contains the static obstacles of the robot’s workspace
      • localization: enables the robot to map its environment while simultaneously estimating its own position regarding this map.
      • using sensors (camera, laser range-finder, ultrasonic sensor) to evaluate its distance to the nearby obstacles.
      • implemented and tested in a simulation environment
  • A 2D simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm is used for mapping the workspace autonomously.

  • Summary: ml for image classification, slam for exploration, A* algorithm for determining move trajectory.


  • keywords:
    • search and rescue
    • path planning
    • combine optimisation algorithm with reinforcement learning
    • outdoor
    • adaptive to unknown environment
  • Categorise by application:
    • Outdoor
      • surveillance, good delivery, target tracking, and crowd monitoring,
    • Indoor
      • indoor mapping, factory automation, and indoor surveillance
    • wireless networking
    • search and rescue
  • Categorise by parameter:
    • inertia-based
      • gyroscopes, accelerometers, and altimeters to guide the onboard flight controller
    • vision
      • cameras
    • signal-based
      • GPS modules and a remote radio head (RRH) in the case of cellular connectivity
  • taxonomy of AI approaches for UAV navigation


  • reinforcement learning (RL)

Visual Odometry

Real-time ROS Implementation of Conventional Feature-based and Deep-learning-based Monocular Visual Odometry for UAV

  • localization is one of the most important tasks for UAVs
    • conventional feature-based methods:ORB-SLAM3
      • detection of key features in each image and match them on consecutive images to estimate the camera motions
    • Deep-learning: SC-SfMLearner (self-supervised learning)
      • achieve high results on public dataset, but lack of real-time implementation in ROS for navigation system.
  • photo-realistic simulator, Flightmare, is used to test the implementation
    • fast in collecting and computing a large number of images,
    • but also integrate an accurate UAV dynamic
  • Visual Odometry (VO) benchmark dataset: KITTI, EuRoC, and CityScapes

  • evaluation process is done by integrating the aforementioned pose estimators into a real-time navigation system, benchmarking on streams of photo-realistic synthesized RGB data acquired from Flightmare.
    • the outperforming of the features-based ORB-SLAM3 over learning-based counterpart, SC-SfMLearner
    • learning-based algorithms are vulnerable to failure cases in which the drone trajectory contains excessive yaw rotations.




Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): practical aspects, applications, open challenges, security issues, and future trends

The Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in UAV

Machine Learning Applications in Internet-of-Drones: Systematic Review, Recent Deployments, and Open Issues

A review of AI-enabled routing protocols for UAV networks: Trends, challenges, and future outlook

Automated Wheat Disease Detection using a ROS-based Autonomous Guided UAV

Real-time ROS Implementation of Conventional Feature-based and Deep-learning-based Monocular Visual Odometry for UAV