1. A good academic paper should present a clear argument.
2. A group meeting will be held tomorrow in the library conference room.
3. A laptop computer has been found in the biology lab.
4. A new collection of articles has just been published.
5. A number of students have volunteer jobs.
6. A series of lectures showed economics have been recorded.
7. A series of the observations were carried out in the classroom.
8. A visit to the designed museum is of great value.
9. A world expert in financial management will give a guest lecture.
10. A world-renowned expert on economics and marketing will give a guest lecture.
11. Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.
12. Accountancy students have to hand their dissertations this week.
13. Advanced technology created growth in the economy.
14. All dissertations must be accompanied by a submission form.
15. All industries are a system of inputs processes outputs and feedback.
16. All students are expected to attend ten lab sessions per semester.
17. Americans have typically defined the process of plant growth in quantitative terms.
18. An architect is required to have problem-solving skills and an eye for design.
19. An effective business manager is always open to new ideas.
20. An introduction is an essential element of presentation.
21. Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.
22. Any gain on sales of property must be allocated promptly.
23. Artists need to make their works both original and accessible.
24. Astronomers use light years to measure distance in space.
25. Auditions for the university choir will be held next week.
26. Before you choose your university courses, you should consider your future career.
27. Being bilingual does not necessarily mean having the ability to analyse the languages.
28. Blue whales are the largest mammals that have ever lived.
29. Calculators allow us to add numbers without making mistakes.
30. Castles were designed to intimidate both local people and enemies.
31. Certain scientific principles must be learned verbally or by logical deduction.
32. Computers used to be larger than they are now.
33. Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.
34. Continuing students will be sent the necessary application forms.
35. Convincing evidence to support this theory is hard to obtain.
36. Currently the growth of the economy is unpredictable.
37. Daily can build confidence and improve skills.
38. Default designed packages are likely to be used for most computers.
39. Designers need to keep up with the social trends.
40. Education and training provide important skills for the labour force.
41. Educational level is found to be related to social and economic background.
42. Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.
43. Extracurricular activities can help students develop more talents.
44. Farmers need to adapt to the changes in climate.
45. Food containing ample calories provides little or no nutritional value.
46. Food has become a political issue in the world.
47. Formal conclusions could be established through rigorous experiments.
48. Good nutrition is crucial to general health and vitality.
49. Graduates from this course typically pursue careers in financial sector.
50. Gravity is the force that attracts two bodies toward one another.
51. He landed a job in a very prestigious law firm.
52. He was regarded as the foremost economist at his time.
53. His analysis study appears to be based on the false premise.
54. His appointment to the Minister of Culture was seen as a demotion.
55. Honey can be used as food or a health product.
56. Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space.
57. I thought a good architectural structure should be useful durable and beautiful.
58. I thought it was through the small meeting room.
59. If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.
60. Important details from the argument are missing in the summary.
61. In this language course, we focus on both fluency and accuracy.
62. International exchange formed the important part of our study program.
63. It is a debate about the value of knowledge.
64. It is important to make clear notes when you are reading.
65. It may not be possible to solve the problem easily.
66. Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at university.
67. Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language.
68. Listening is the key skill needed to succeed in this course.
69. Many experts think that the world climate is constantly changing.
70. Marine environments have been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable development.
71. Measures must be taken to prevent the unemployment rate from increasing.
72. Medical researchers have focused on different causes of diseases and treatments.
73. More graduate training is often needed after university study has finished.
74. Most of the lectures begin promptly, so do not be late.
75. Most of these features were part of the previous system.
76. Most scientists believe that climate change threaten s the lives on earth.
77. Most theories were quite similar but a few critics disagreed.
78. Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together.
79. Muscle bring parts of the body close together.
80. New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live.
81. New materials and techniques are changing the style of modern architecture.
82. Newspapers are supported primarily by the sale of advertising space.
83. Nurses can specialise in clinical work or management.
84. Optional tutorials are offered in the final week of the term.
85. Our faculty includes five libraries in the university.
86. Our professor is hosting the business development conference.
87. Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.
88. Our view is that educational reforms have been inadequately implemented.
89. Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer.
90. Photography can be very useful to geographical research.
91. Physical strength can be improved through regular training.
92. Plants are able to continue growing throughout their lives.
93. Plants are the living things that can grow in land or in water.
94. Please note that the submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.
95. Please return the reference book to the correct position on the library shelf.
96. Practical experience is a vital part of legal training.
97. Psychologists say that what we have experienced influences our behaviours.
98. Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.
99. Relying on natural ability will not get you far in science.
100. Remember the prestigious election of stewardship has strict eligibility criteria.
101. Renovation works are currently undertaken throughout the whole building.
102. Request for the late application will not be accepted under any circumstances.
103. Research shows that exercising makes us feel better. 
104. Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk. 
105. Rising temperatures are on a sign of climate change. 
106. Rivers provide habitats for fish and other aquatic species. 
107. Salt is produced from the seawater or extracted from the ground. 
108. Scientists are always asking the government for more money.
109. Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century.
110. Social psychology is concerned with the understanding of human behaviours.
111. Some people are motivated by competition while others prefer to collaborate.
112. Some students find that true or false questions are harder than short answers.
113. Speed is defined as how quickly an object or a person moves.
114. Student identification cards will be issued by today or tomorrow.
115. Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance.
116. Students must wear protective clothing that is provided in the medical laboratory.
117. Students require an extension should apply sooner rather than later.
118. Students should leave their bags on the table by the door.
119. Students who study overseas can significantly increase their work chances.
120. Studies showed there is a positive correlation between the two variables.
121. The ability to work with fellow students cannot be stressed enough.
122. The application processes may take longer than expected.
123. The archaeologists new discoveries stand out in previously overlooked foundations.
124. The area has a number of underwater habitats and species.
125. The artists tied to the conservative politicians earned the roles of critics.
126. The assessment of this course will begin next week.
127. The biology department is dedicated to research activities.
128. The bus for London will leave ten minutes later than planned.
129. The campus library will be closed during the winter break.
130. The celebrated theory is still a source of great controversy.
131. The chemistry building is located near the entrance to the campus.
132. The city's founders created a set of rules that became law.
133. The collapse of the housing market has caused recessions.
134. The college operates a system of continuous assessments.
135. The commissioner will apportion the funds among all the authorities.
136. The course involves a combination of pure and applied mathematics.
137. The course office is closed on Wednesday and Friday.
138. The course will help students to improve their pronunciation skills.
139. The curriculum should be adjusted to the current development.
140. The dance department stages elaborated performances each semester.
141. The degree is taught by using a mixture of lectures and seminars.
142. The department has a higher-than-normal proportion of postgraduate students.
143. The department works closely with business communities.
144. The designers will complete the plan later today.
145. The digital camera has some advantages over traditional film.
146. The director of the gallery was grateful for the anonymous donation.
147. The economic predictions turned out to be incorrect.
148. The essay is easy to write once the research is completed.
149. The essay will be published once the research is finished.
150. The extent of advertising to children is very much open to debate.
151. The government department was doing some crucial work on climate change.
152. The island is located at the south end of the bay.
153. The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment.
154. The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.
155. The library will be closed for staff training tomorrow morning.
156. The momentum is defined as the combination of mass and velocity.
157. The north campus car park could be closed on Sunday.
158. The notification will not be received until the following week.
159. The opening hours of the library are reduced during summer.
160. The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor.
161. The plight of local wildlife has been ignored by developers.
162. The poster of this play is hung in the largest lecture theatre.
163. The professor took one year off to work on her book.
164. The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion-referenced approach.
165. The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.
166. The reception staff give advice on renting private accommodation.
167. The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.
168. The shipwrecks of this year ruined some artifacts which were interested by historians.
169. The speaker began by giving an outline of her presentation.
170. The stock market crash had repercussions throughout the world.
171. The student union hosts a variety of social events.
172. The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.
173. The study centre in the library has all the latest technologies.
174. The subject is complex and difficult to explain.
175. The university library has most of the necessary books.
176. The university should have invested in new technologies designed for learning.
177. The university theatre group will be performing in the concert hall.
178. The university will cease the colossal renovation to the faint empty theatre.
179. The very basic definition of computing would be counting and calculating.
180. There are many different types of governments in the world.
181. There are some doubts about whether these events actually occurred.
182. There is a great deal of debate on that topic.
183. There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.
184. There is accounting assignment for finance students.
185. There is no fixed career path for a qualified journalist.
186. There will be a chemistry test in the class next week.
187. They developed a unique approach to train their employees.
188. This advanced course requires a basic knowledge of economic theory.
189. This course is based on experimentation and practice.
190. This morning's lecture on economic policy has been cancelled.
191. Time and distance are used to calculate speed.
192. Too much information may have been avoided by the group research design.
193. Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities.
194. Trees benefit the city by soaking up the rainwater that runs off the roads.
195. Tribes vied with each other to build monolithic statues.
196. Tutors should set a clear goal at the start of the class.
197. Understanding how to use the library will save your time.
198. Visual aid can be really helpful when you are revising.
199. Vocabulary that is peculiar in a special field is called jargon.
200. We encourage students to complete their applications before the deadline.
201. We should never underestimate the power of creative design.
202. We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
203. When the root system of a plant fails, foliage suffers.
204. While some people regard it as reforming zeal, others regard it as recklessness.
205. Years of training are required to become a medical specialist.
206. You can use your laptops in the lecture.
207. You do not need specialist knowledge to enjoy this book.
208. You mush hand in your essays by midday on Friday.
209. You need to put those books on the table over there.
210. You should have awareness of how the business operates globally.
211. You will be tested by continuous assessments and examinations.
212. Your ideas are discussed and debated in seminars and tutorials.