A note for writing down useful commands and concepts of Jekyll during the development of this website. Might constantly update it…

Some useful commands

node repository

npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/ --global

npm cache clear --force

npm install --verbose

Jekyll build & deploy

bundle install

bundle exec jekyll build 

bundle exec jekyll serve

# build options: --trace --profile --lsi
# serve options: --incremental --livereload

Jekyll notes

Further details in udemy tutorial

  • YAML front matter
    • a form of yaml that Jekyll uses for maintaining information about a page and its content.
    • frontmatter blocks always appear at the top of the file
    • every file that has yaml frontmatter will be processed by Jekyll as special file
  • predefined and custom variables
    • site, page and content
      • site variable is a global variable and contains data about the page
        • site.pages
        • site.posts
        • site.data
  • liquid templating language
    • use to process templates and output content
    • markup in Liquid
      • output markup: MoeBuTa’s Website
      • tag markup:
  • lifecycle:
    • read _config.yml
    • read all the other files then checks for YAML Front matter
    • uses the Liquid templating language to process the content and templates
    • read the assets
    • generates the final output into the folder _site
  • Blog integrated:
    • manage a folder of text-files
    • require blog post files to be named according to: