These notes were created during my preparation for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam. They help me memorise essential points and knowledge commonly found in frequently asked questions.

The exam requires a substantial amount of knowledge to be memorised, particularly for those new to AWS and cloud computing.

To give you some context, I had some basic experience with AWS services from a unit I took a year ago before I started preparing for the exam.

To supplement my knowledge, I watched about half of the lectures in this udemy tutorial.

I also completed the first 5 practice exams from 6 Practice Exams to gain a better understanding of the types of questions that might appear on the actual exam. I practiced with test questions multiple times and reviewed any questions I answered incorrectly or felt uncertain about.

Luckily, I passed the exam in one shot with a score of 822 out of 1000.

Billing & Pricing


  • one-on-one responses to account and billing questions
  • support forums
  • service health checks
  • documentation

AWS developer support plan:

  • one contact + unlimited cases

Business, On-ramp, Enterprise:

  • unlimited contacts + unlimited cases


  • concierge service
  • event management (also on-ramp)
  • designated technical account manager

Cost Allocation Tags:

  • a label assigns to a resource (1 unique key + 1 value)
  • used to track costs
  • two types:
    • generated tags: tags generated by AWS
    • user-defined tags: define, create and apply tags on generated tags
  • must activate both types of tags before examining cost expolorer
  • not mandatory
  • cannot create separate invoice based on tags

Billing metric data is stored in the US East (N. Virginia) Region and represents worldwide charges.

storage pricing:

  • EFS Infrequent Access class: pay a fee each time read from or write to a file
  • EBS snapshot: bill only for the changed blocks stored
  • AWS backup: pay for the amount of storage used and amount of data restored in the month

AWS Budget types:

  • cost budget
  • reservation budget
  • usage budget

Compute optimizer:

  • EC2,
  • Auto Scaling group,
  • EBS,
  • Lambda

Amazon API Gateway:

  • REST, HTTP, WebSocket APIs
  • for accessing AWS or other web services

Kinesis Data Stream:

  • processes and analyzes streaming data at any scale
  • a fully managed service

2 Savings Plans (1 / 3 yrs commitment):

  • compute savings plan
  • EC2 instance savings plan

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery: replicates applications into AWS (block-level)


  • no additional charge
  • pay for AWS resources you create to store and run your application

Trusted Advisor:

  • real-time guidance to provision resources following best practices
  • check EBS configurations and warns when underused
  • Five categories:
    • cost optimisation
    • performance
    • security
    • fault tolerance
    • service limits


  • automated security assessment service
  • improve security & compliance of application
  • not for infrastructure


  • monitor applications
  • data and actionable insights
  • performance changes, resource uilitisation, health

Cloud Concepts

cloud foundations:

  • guide deploy, configure, secure workloads while ensuring operations in the cloud
  • navigate decisions (AWS Solutions, Partner Solutions, Guidance)

Trusted Advisor:

  • guide provision resources following best practices
  • five categories:
    • cost optimisation
    • performance
    • security
    • fault tolerance
    • service limits

Transit gateway:

  • VPC -> on-premise
  • through a central hub
  • can interconnect VPCs

Direct Connect:

  • VPC -> on-premise
  • private connection - not use public internet
  • cannot interconnect VPCs

VPC peering connection:

  • VPC -> VPC
  • not transitive - difficult to manage

VPC interface endpoint:

  • VPC -> AWS Services
  • powered by PrivateLink - no public internet, support S3

VPC gateway endpoint:

  • VPC -> AWS Services
  • only support S3, dynamoDB.

Internet gateway:

  • VPC -> public internet

API gateway:

  • VPC internal service -> clients

Site-to-Site VPN:

  • AWS Services -> on-premise
  • cannot interconnect VPCs
  • components:
    • virtual private gateway,
    • transit gateway,
    • customer gateway,
    • customer gateway device

AWS cost and usage report:

  • generate billing reports that break down
    • by hour or month,
    • by product or product resource,
    • by tags
  • cannot be used to identify under-utilized Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS Knowledge Center contains the most frequent & common questions and requests and AWS provided solutions for the same.

AWS Support Center is the hub for managing your Support cases.

Global Accelerator:

  • low latency - high performance
  • high availability
  • static IP address
  • non-HTTP use cases (UDP, MQTT)

S3 transfer Acceleration (S3TA):

  • powered by cloudfront
  • client - S3 bucket
  • not for replicating data

LB: distribute traffic, not scale resources

Warm standby:

  • can handle traffic at reduced levels immediately.

Pilot light:

  • cannot serve requests until additional steps are taken
    • deploy infrastructure and
    • scale out resources
    • then workload can handle requests.

Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF):

  • Business,
  • People,
  • Governance
  • Platform,
  • Security,
  • Operations

CAF stakeholders: CTO, technology leaders, architects, engineers.

6 Pillars: 1.Operational excellence (Cloudformation): run systems to deliver business value. 2.Security (IAM, WAF, KMS): protect system while deliver business value 3.Relibility (IAM, Cloudformation, S3): the ability of a system to recover 4.Performance efficiency(auto scaling, lambda, elasticache): use computing resources efficiently 5.Cost optimisation (budget, cost explorer): run systems at the lowest price point 6.Sustainability (auto scaling, fargate, s3, ec2): minimise the environmental impacts

recovery time objective:

  • real-time: Multi-site active/active (run simultaneously)
  • minutes: warm standby (scaled-down but full functional copy)
  • 10s of minutes: pilot light (core component)
  • hours: backup & restore (data only, need redeploy infrastructure)

local zone:

  • low latency to specific geographic areas
  • optimise latency
  • gaming


  • low latency to on-premises location
  • run service locally

well-architected tool:

  • review the state of your workloads
  • compare with best practices


  • global services
  • provision Windows or Linux desktops


  • query service
  • serverless
  • facilitate analyse data in S3


IAM user: use access key ID and secret access key as credentials

IAM role: align with permission policies that determine allow and deny rules. - assigned to anyone who needs it.

IAM user group: specify permission policies to a group of users.

IAM policy: policies attach to IAM identities (user, group, role)


  • Business
  • People
  • Grovernance
  • Platform
  • Security
  • Operations

Service Catalog: create and manage catalogs of IT services ( virtual machine images, servers, software, databases).

APN: AWS Partner Network. technology and consulting businesses to build solutions and services for customers.

AWS Organisations: centrally management. (manage billing, control access, compliance, security, share resource across AWS accounts).

CloudWatch: resource performance monitoring, events, and alerts.

CloudTrail: account-specific activity and audit.


  • automatically enabled:
    • storage gateway,
    • S3
    • cloudtrail logs stored in s3
  • optional:
    • EBS,
    • Redshift,
    • EFS

Virtual MFA device: A software app that emulates a physical device.

U2F security key: A device that you plug into a USB port on your computer.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs enables you to centralize the logs from all of your systems, applications, and AWS services that you use, in a single, highly scalable service.

AWS CloudTrail cannot be used to centralize the server logs for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances or on-premises servers.

Shield standard: enabled for all AWS customers at no additional cost.

WAF: HTTP/HTTPS requests forwarding to API gateway, cloudfront, ALB. (no route 53)

Credential report: list all users in the account and the status of their credentials.

Artifact: download security and compliance related information

  • reports: Service Organization Control (SOC) reports, Payment Card Industry (PCI) reports, and certifications from accreditation bodies

VPC interface endpoint:

  • VPC -> services
  • powered by PrivateLink - no public internet, support S3

VPC gateway endpoint:

  • VPC -> services
  • only support S3, dynamoDB.

Trusted Advisor alerts when:

  • leaving certain ports open that make you vulnerable
  • neglecting to create IAM accounts for your internal users
  • allowing public access to Amazon S3 buckets
  • not turning on user activity logging (AWS CloudTrail)
  • not using MFA on your root AWS Account.

IAM user access keys:

  • long-term credentials
  • global service
  • not suitable for accessing dynamoDB - temporary credentials are better (IAM role)


  • add user credential to web apps.
  • cannot be used to access dynamoDB.


  • generate, store, manage credentials

Secret manager:

  • protect credentials for applications and services
  • manage credentials (rotate, retrieve, manage)
  • integrate with CloudHSM


  • data discovery and protection in Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) buckets
  • automatically discover, classify, and protect sensitive data in S3.


  • analyse events
  • identify potential security issues.
  • cloudtrail logs, VPC flow logs, guardduty findings


Root user cannot be restricted

Elastic Beanstalk: PaaS. an engine to deploy and scale services.


  • infrastructure as code. (a broader concept, can include IaaS)
  • automate the provisioning and management of resources across various AWS services
  • can estimate costs using templates


  • a container management service.
  • a platform for deploying and managing containerized applications,
  • leveraging Docker containers, and orchestrating their deployment and scaling.

Amazon MQ: message broker for moving messaging functionality from on-premise application to cloud.


  • move data between components.
  • help build applications with independent message processing.


  • messaging service for application-application and application-person communication

Compute optimizer:

  • EC2,
  • Auto Scaling group,
  • EBS,
  • Lambda

Storage gateway:

  • bridge on-premise data and cloud data in S3
  • File, Volume, Tape

Step function:

  • coordinate multiple AWS services (sagemaker, glue, lambda) into serverless workflows.
  • Cannot be used to run a process on a schedule.


  • Glue: prepare and transform data for analytics, serverless
  • Neptune: graph database
  • Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB): review history of all changes made to application data
  • Database Migration Service (DMS)
  • Athena: serverless query service to perform analytics against S3 objects
  • EMR: Elastic MapReduce - analyse and process big data, hadoop cluster
  • Redshift: SQL analytics and cloud data warehousing
  • Aurora: MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • DocumentDB: Aurora version for MongoDB
  • QuickSight: create interactive dashboards on database
  • ElastiCache: in-memory database

Security group:

  • stateful
  • instance level
  • allow rule only


  • stateless
  • subnet level
  • allow and deny rules

Read Replicas:

  • used for improved read performance. - scalability
  • horizontal scaling

Amazon EFS

  • keeping files accessible to satisfy audit requirements,
  • performing historical analysis,
  • or performing backup and recovery.
  • EC2 instances can access EFS across AZs, regions, and VPCs,
  • while on-premises servers can access using AWS Direct Connect or AWS VPN.
  • cannot be used as a boot volume for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.
  • For boot volumes, Amazon Elastic Block Storage (Amazon EBS) volumes are used.

Amazon Kendra:

  • search service in unstructured data - accurate search results.

Amazon Personalize

  • building applications with personalized recommendations capability.

Amazon Comprehend

  • extracting insights in unstructured data - help understanding.
  • NLP
  • text analysis, topic modelling, keyphrase extraction, syntax analysis…

Amazon Lex

  • building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text.
  • NLU
  • chatbot

A customer gateway is a resource in AWS that provides information to AWS about your Customer gateway device.

Site-to-Side VPN components:

  • virtual private gateway
  • transit gateway
  • customer gateway
  • customer gateway device

Global scope services:

  • EC2, S3, DynamoDB, SNS, IAM, CloudFront, Route 53, WAF…

Regional scope services:

  • lambda, redshift, read replicas, rekognition

The pricing for an AWS Lambda function is not dependent on the language runtime of the function.

AWS CodeDeploy is a service that automates code deployments to any instance,

CloudFormation cannot be used to automate code deployment.


  • A broad range of workloads, such as relational and non-relational databases, enterprise applications, containerized applications, big data analytics engines, file systems, and media workflows are widely deployed on Amazon EBS.
  • not a good fit for caching information on Amazon EC2 instances

S3 actions:

  • transition actions:

partner solutions:

  • automated technology deployments


  • technical content (technical guides, reference materials, architecture diagrams)

route 53:

  • domain registration
  • health check and monitoring

AWS Health:

  • Performance and availability of AWS services

IAM Identity Center:

  • successor to sso


  • simplifies and accelerates moving data between on-premises storage systems and AWS services

EC2 instance user data:

  • data specified in the form of a bootstrap script configuration parameters while launching your instance

EC2 instance metadata:

  • data about your instance you can use to manage the instance (ami-id, public-hostname)

S3 no retrieval fee:

  • intelligent-tiering
  • standard


  • create read-only copies with master database
  • place in different AWS region
  • improve performance
  • data recovery